Healthcare progress in Herencia: Tender for a new Health Center. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Healthcare progress in Herencia: Tender for a new Health Center.

The Government of Castilla-La Mancha takes a step forward in improving healthcare infrastructure with the bidding of the project for the new Health Center in Herencia, in the province of Ciudad Real. With a budget exceeding 297,000 euros, this project aims not only to expand the physical space available for healthcare but also to incorporate services that meet the increasing demands of the population.

This announcement, published on the Public Sector Contracting Platform, marks the beginning of a process that will culminate in the construction of a modern healthcare center on a plot of over 3,600 square meters on Gómez Montalbán Street, provided by the City Council to the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha (SESCAM). The deadline for submitting offers will remain open until April 18, thus setting the first milestone towards improving healthcare conditions in Herencia.

The need for this new center is dictated by the limited space of the current facilities, which have become small in the face of the increasing services and the recent addition of medical and nursing staff. Designed to be a comprehensive care space, the future Health Center will have family and community medicine consultations, nursing, dressing rooms, pediatric areas, midwifery and childbirth preparation, as well as a complete emergency area.

This ambitious project not only aims to solve space problems, but also to provide more specialized and personalized care to the approximately 8,454 users currently assigned to the Basic Health Zone of Herencia. The Primary Care team will be strengthened and will be able to provide more efficient services in a suitable environment equipped with the latest technology.

The new center will also include areas dedicated to rehabilitation, dentistry, social work, management, and teaching, as well as a residence for on-call healthcare personnel, demonstrating the regional Government’s commitment to providing quality health services. This project represents a significant advancement in the well-being and quality of life of the residents of Herencia, consolidating Castilla-La Mancha as a community that invests in the health and future of its citizens.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Information daily in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Avance sanitario en Herencia: Licitación para un nuevo Centro de Salud

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