Herencia announces the 1st Patchwork Meeting "Villa de Herencia" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia announces the 1st Patchwork Meeting “Villa de Herencia”

On September 17th, as part of the events of Preferia in Herencia, a very special event will take place: the I Patchwork Encounter “Villa de Herencia”. This initiative seeks to bring together both patchwork groups and associations, as well as individual enthusiasts of this craft technique.

For those who are not familiar with the term, patchwork is a sewing technique that involves joining different pieces of fabric to create a unique and complex design. Traditionally, it has been used for the creation of quilts, but over time, its use has diversified towards other applications such as bags, clothing, and decorations.

The passion for patchwork has been gaining popularity in Herencia, especially at the Universidad Popular, where more and more enthusiasts come to learn and perfect this ancestral technique. The I Patchwork Encounter “Villa de Herencia” promises to be an excellent platform to showcase works, share techniques, and strengthen the patchwork community in the region.

Those interested in participating can register until September 6th. The registration process is simple and can be done by phone by calling Casa de Cultura at 926 57 36 96, from 9:00 to 14:00.

The organization encourages everyone, whether experts or beginners, to join and participate in this gathering, guaranteeing a day full of color, creativity, and learning. Don’t miss it!

Herencia announces the I Patchwork Encounter 'Villa de Herencia' 1
Herencia announces the I Patchwork Encounter ‘Villa de Herencia’ 1

Spanish post in Herencia anuncia el I Encuentro de Patchwork “Villa de Herencia”

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