Herencia boosts its local commerce with the Christmas campaign 'Buy here, you'll come out ahead' - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia boosts its local commerce with the Christmas campaign ‘Buy here, you’ll come out ahead’

The Heritage Commerce Association, in an initiative supported by the City Council, has launched the campaign ‘Shop here and you will win’. This action, which will run from December 6th to January 4th, aims to promote and reward consumption in local businesses during the holiday season.

In an effort to encourage the local economy and thank their customers for their loyalty, the campaign will include the raffle of 8 checks for 50 euros at each of the participating stores, which will be identified with special Christmas decorations. The raffles will be conducted based on purchase receipts collected in the establishments until January 4th, providing an additional opportunity to win for those who choose to shop in Heritage.

Thinking also of the youngest, the holiday campaign gives a special place to the children of the town. The children can participate by submitting their drawings in the royal mailbox located in the City Hall lobby, specially decorated for the occasion. From all the received drawings, 3 prizes of school supplies, each valued at 50 euros, will be raffled, courtesy of their Majesties the Three Kings.

Lola Fernández, Councilor for Economic Promotion, has expressed her gratitude to the businesses that have joined this initiative. During the campaign presentation, she emphasized the importance of supporting local commerce, vital for keeping economic activity alive in Heritage. “From the Government team,” Fernández stated, “we will continue working on initiatives and campaigns that promote purchases in our local businesses, thus contributing to their sustainability and the vitality of our community.”

The campaign ‘Shop here and you will win’ not only seeks to encourage shopping in Heritage, but also aims to create a festive and warm atmosphere in the city streets, inviting residents and visitors to enjoy a unique Christmas environment while doing their shopping. With these types of initiatives, Heritage reinforces its commitment to local commerce, essential for the development and well-being of the community.

Spanish post in Herencia Impulsa su Comercio Local con la Campaña Navideña ‘Compra aquí saldrás ganando’

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