Herencia celebrates its Folklore Festival and beautifies the night with tradition and color. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia celebrates its Folklore Festival and beautifies the night with tradition and color.

Last Saturday night, Herencia was dressed in colors, music, and traditional dances to celebrate the Folklore Festival. The event, which is part of the ViVher 2023 program, took place in a square filled with enthusiastic neighbors who didn’t want to miss the show.

The protagonists of the night were the folk group from Herencia, the Popular University of Folklore school, and the invited group from Coros y Danzas el Bonillo. Together, they offered the audience an exceptional display of the most emblematic dances and rondallas of their local folklore.

The performance, which stood out for its beauty and authenticity, was a journey through the culture and local traditions, a reminder of the richness and diversity of our roots. The different groups took the spectators on a magical journey through the history and customs of their land, expressed through the universal language of dance and music.

The night was a display of talent, passion, and love for cultural traditions. Each dance piece, each melody, resonated with the artists’ pride in their cultural heritage, leaving the audience thrilled and enchanted.

The performance was met with applause and praise from the attendees, and all participants are congratulated for their magnificent interpretation. Without a doubt, this Folklore Festival in Herencia was a celebration of culture and community, and a demonstration of the rich cultural tapestry that is still alive and flourishing in Herencia.

Spanish post in Herencia celebra su Festival de Folclore y embellece la noche con tradición y color

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