Herencia hosts the Erasmus project for socialization and sports led by Aktive Kosmos. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia hosts the Erasmus project for socialization and sports led by Aktive Kosmos.

From August 22nd to 31st, Herencia became the epicenter of a unique cultural and sporting experience. Thanks to the Aktive Kosmos association, the town hosted an Erasmus project that welcomed over 50 young participants from six different countries.

Sport, Art, and Nature: Tools for Socialization

The main objective of this project was to promote the socialization of young people between the ages of 14 and 20. To achieve this, it relied on sports, art, and outdoor activities. During a week filled with events and actions, the young participants not only had the opportunity to interact with each other but also to integrate with the local youth in Herencia.

Institutional Presence

Various councilors from the Government Team were present at several of the scheduled activities. These councilors witnessed the excellent development of the activities and the atmosphere of cooperation and learning that prevailed in each of the encounters.

Interaction and Learning

Beyond specific skills in sports or arts, this project offered all participants a valuable opportunity for cultural exchange. Immersion in different traditions, languages, and ways of seeing the world enriched each young person, fostering empathy, mutual understanding, and respect for diversity.

Municipal Support

The Herencia City Council firmly supported this initiative, recognizing the incalculable value of these experiences for the comprehensive education of young people. This institutional collaboration was key to the successful development of all the scheduled activities.

In conclusion, Herencia has become, for a few days, a melting pot of cultures thanks to the initiative of Aktive Kosmos. An experience that has undoubtedly made a lasting impression on all the young participants and on the town itself.

Herencia hosts Erasmus project on socialization and sports by Aktive Kosmos 1
Herencia hosts Erasmus project on socialization and sports by Aktive Kosmos 1

Spanish post in Herencia acoge Proyecto Erasmus de socialización y deporte a cargo de Aktive Kosmos

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