Herencia returns to be the regional reception center for Sahrawi children. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia returns to be the regional reception center for Sahrawi children.

In Herencia, the role of being a regional reception center for Sahrawi children has once again played an essential role. Just like last year, the Municipal School of Music “Gabriel Molina-Prados” has been the final stop for the expedition that landed in Alicante early Sunday morning.

From Herencia, the children have been transported to other towns where host families eagerly awaited them. This transfer is an integral part of the “Holidays in Peace” program, which is carried out in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real and aims to offer these children a summer filled with love and care.

The reception of these children was attended by members of the Municipal Corporation of the Herencia City Council, as well as representatives of the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real. They all showed their support and recognition for the program and the families who have committed to hosting these children during their stay.

This year, two families from Herencia will have the opportunity to host Sahrawi children. The mayor has expressed his willingness and cooperation to ensure that, like every year, the children enjoy the most pleasant stay possible in the town.

The “Holidays in Peace” program offers Sahrawi children the opportunity to spend the summer in a safe and loving environment, far from the difficulties they may face at home. This gesture of solidarity and love is an example of Herencia’s strong community and its ongoing commitment to children in need.

Herencia vuelve a ser el centro de recepción regional de niños saharauis 1
Herencia vuelve a ser el centro de recepción regional de niños saharauis 1

Spanish post in Herencia vuelve a ser el centro de recepción regional de niños saharauis

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