In a gesture of solidarity and commitment, the City Council of Herencia has reaffirmed its support for the Multiple Sclerosis Association of Ciudad Real (Aedemcr), highlighting the importance of collaboration and institutional support in the fight against this complex disease known as ‘the disease of a thousand faces’. The mayor, Sergio García-Navas, and the councilor for Social Welfare, Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, met with representatives of Aedemcr to discuss ways to enhance visibility, research, and support for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis.
The meeting was attended by Nieves Martín and Maribel Otero, from the delegation in Ciudad Real, and Mercedes Moreno-Manzanaro, local representative of Aedemcr, a non-profit organization that brings together patients, families, and allies in the battle against this neurodegenerative disease.
The diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis has a profound impact on the patient’s life and their environment. Aedemcr emphasized the importance of providing necessary resources and tools to facilitate adaptation to the new realities imposed by the disease, offering services such as psychological therapy, support in procedures through social work, and physiotherapy treatments aimed at preventing physical deterioration and recovering functional capacities.
The mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, has expressed his total willingness and collaboration to increase the visibility of this disease and support both research and the improvement of the quality of life of those affected. “It is essential that as a society we recognize and support people with Multiple Sclerosis, promoting initiatives that contribute to their well-being,” García-Navas said.
Founded in 1995, Aedemcr has grown to have 352 members and delegations in Ciudad Real, Daimiel, Alcázar de San Juan, and Puertollano. The association continues to expand its reach with the goal of working in a coordinated manner throughout the province.
Multiple Sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects people between 20 and 40 years old and is the second leading cause of neurological disability. With a higher prevalence in women than in men, it is estimated that there are around 47,000 affected people in Spain, with 1,800 new cases diagnosed each year.
The meeting between the City Council of Herencia and Aedemcr symbolizes a step forward in municipal support for the cause of Multiple Sclerosis, demonstrating the town’s commitment to the well-being of all its citizens, especially those facing significant health challenges.
Spanish post in Herencia refuerza su apoyo a la lucha contra la Esclerosis Múltiple