Herencia, the epicenter of preparation for CESA 2024 with a prominent presence in the handball selections. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia, the epicenter of preparation for CESA 2024 with a prominent presence in the handball selections.

Inheritance becomes the focus of attention in regional handball with the celebration of training days for the teams of the Handball Federation of Castilla-La Mancha. From December 6 to 8, young promises of handball from Castilla-La Mancha will gather in the town to prepare for the National Autonomous Communities Selection Championship (CESA) 2024.

The closure of these intense training days will be on December 8 with a triangular match that will bring together the teams from the Community of Madrid and Castilla y León, providing an unbeatable opportunity for the athletes to showcase their talent and progress.

Herencia is proud to have a notable representation in the lists of the Infant Female and Female Youth categories, with players who are expected to be prominent figures in the regional and national scene:

Infant Female Category:

  • Aldara Elena Martínez
  • Claudia Fernández Toribio
  • Laura Martín Buitrago
  • Elena González

Female Youth Category:

  • Blanca Gómez Calcerrada
  • Arancha López Escribano

The presence of these young athletes reflects not only their talent and personal effort, but also the work carried out in the sports schools of Herencia and the quality of their training.

From SMD BM Quijote Herencia, as well as from the entire sports community of Herencia, a message of support and encouragement is sent to all selected athletes and the team from Castilla-La Mancha. These training days are one more step in their sports development and a great opportunity to gain experience for the CESA 2024.

The fate is set for these training sessions to be a success and translate into notable achievements in the upcoming CESA. Herencia is proud of its athletes and trusts in their ability to bring the name of the town to the highest levels of regional and national handball.

Spanish post in Herencia, epicentro de la preparación para el CESA 2024 con presencia destacada en las selecciones de balonmano

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