Herencia unveils the poster for the celebration in honor of the Immaculate Conception 2024. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia unveils the poster for the celebration in honor of the Immaculate Conception 2024.

On November 17th, the presentation of the poster announcing the acts of worship and festivities in honor of the patron saint of Herencia, the Immaculate Conception, took place. The artwork, created by the artist from Camuña, José Manuel Vega Guerra, reflects the solemnity and fervor that characterize these celebrations, which will begin on November 23rd and will extend until December 8th, the main day for the town.

A poster with artistic identity

The design of the poster combines the photography of José Antonio Fernández Baillo with the creativity of José Manuel Vega Guerra, a Fine Arts graduate from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. The piece stands out for its careful aesthetics and symbolism, aiming to convey the devotion of the Herencian community towards their patron saint.

The presentation event was attended by the Mayor of Herencia, Sergio García Navas, accompanied by several members of the government team. During the event, the mayor expressed the commitment of the City Council to collaborate with the Brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception, presided over by Inmaculada Rodríguez-Palancas, to ensure the success of the celebrations.

A program of acts full of tradition

The festivities will begin next Saturday, November 23rd, with a mass and a fraternal dinner. The program will extend until December 8th, the day when the religious function and the traditional procession will take place, parading through the streets of Herencia accompanied by faithful and neighbors who will join to pay homage to the Immaculate Conception.

The importance of the patronal festivities

These celebrations, deeply rooted in the cultural and religious identity of Herencia, represent an opportunity to strengthen the community, while highlighting the role of art as a vehicle to perpetuate traditions.

The presented poster not only announces the events but also becomes a work that will endure in the collective memory, reflecting the essence of festivals that combine history, spirituality, and citizen participation.

With this presentation, Herencia begins the countdown to days full of emotion and devotion in honor of its patron saint, reaffirming a tradition that remains alive thanks to the joint efforts of the Brotherhood, the City Council, and the residents.

More images on Facebook.

Article published in: Herencia presents the poster of the festivities in honor of the Immaculate Conception 2024.

Spanish post in Herencia presenta el cartel de las fiestas en honor a la Inmaculada Concepción 2024

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