Heritage teams participate in the Marina Baixa Cup 2023. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Heritage teams participate in the Marina Baixa Cup 2023.

Last Thursday, an enthusiastic expedition from Herencia set off for the Costa Blanca to participate in the Marina Baixa Cup 2023, a prestigious international football tournament. The competition will take place from today until next Sunday in various towns along the emblematic Alicante coast.

Herencia will be represented at the event by four teams from the Municipal Sports Schools, corresponding to the cadet, junior, alevin, and women’s categories. They are all preparing to compete and showcase their talent and skills on the field, representing our town with great pride.

From Herencia.net, we wish all the players and their coaches the best of luck in this challenge. Beyond the results, we hope they enjoy this unparalleled experience, enriching themselves through the cultural and sports exchange that the tournament offers.

As they were about to depart, Serafín Tajuelo, the Sports Councillor of the City Council, approached to wish the teams good luck and hear the participants’ thoughts before the trip. An exciting moment that reinforces our town’s commitment to promoting sports and the holistic development of our youth.

Good luck to our teams in the Marina Baixa Cup 2023!

Spanish post in Equipos de Herencia participan en la Marina Baixa Cup 2023

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