In English: "Herencia dresses in green for World Ostomate Day" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

In English: “Herencia dresses in green for World Ostomate Day”

Today, the whole world commemorates World Ostomized Patient Day, and our town of Herencia is not far behind in showing its support and solidarity. This date symbolizes a global call to contribute to the integration into society of all patients who, after surgery, live with an ostomy.

It is crucial to highlight that beyond the physical consequences, these patients face significant emotional challenges. Despite adversity and daily obstacles, many of them continue to demonstrate admirable resilience. However, a lack of understanding and general awareness can create additional barriers.

With the purpose of raising awareness about the daily situation of these individuals and showing a gesture of solidarity, Herencia’s iconic windmills will be illuminated in green. This act not only brings visibility to the cause but also sends a powerful message of support and understanding to all ostomized patients.

The green lighting represents hope, health, and renewal. It is a call to society to be more understanding, to break down prejudices, and to collaborate in building a more inclusive environment for everyone. Today, Herencia joins this global message, inviting its citizens to reflect and act towards a more empathetic and supportive world.

Spanish post in Herencia se viste de verde para el Día Mundial del Paciente Ostomizado

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