In English, it would be: "Herencia joins in solidarity with the II edition of 'Run Like Hero'." - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

In English, it would be: “Herencia joins in solidarity with the II edition of ‘Run Like Hero’.”

In Ciudad Real, Herencia is enthusiastically preparing for the second edition of the ‘Run Like Hero’ charity run, scheduled for Sunday, October 22nd. This initiative, born out of a collaboration between the City Council, FisioCarlos, and the Phelan-McDermid Syndrome Association, aims to raise awareness and support research on Phelan-McDermid Syndrome in commemoration of its International Day.

The origin of this race in Herencia comes from the determination and fight of Marco’s parents, a young resident of the town diagnosed with this rare disease. At just 4 years old, Marco has been the inspiration for the community to join this noble cause, turning Herencia into a municipality that seeks to be more inclusive and supportive year after year.

The race is presented in both a virtual format internationally and in three face-to-face editions in Majadahonda, Ortuella, and Herencia. In these locations, participants can choose to run or walk distances of 5 or 10 kilometers. Additionally, there is the option to contribute financially with the ‘kilometer 0’, a symbolic donation for those who want to support without the need to run.

Herencia will not only provide the race experience. A series of parallel activities such as face painting, live music, physiotherapy services for runners, raffles, and prizes are being organized, ensuring a festive and family-friendly atmosphere.

Carlos Javier Torres, Marco’s father and delegate of the Phelan-McDermid Association, emphasizes the importance of this activity as a tool to raise awareness about a disease that often goes unnoticed until it is too late. With high expectations, Carlos Javier hopes to surpass the participation of the previous year, which had almost 700 registered participants.

Mayor Sergio García-Navas expressed his recognition of the Association and especially Marco’s family for giving a voice to those who suffer from this disease, highlighting the urgent need to research and improve the quality of life for those affected.

Registrations are now open and can be made until Thursday, October 19th at The funds raised will be entirely dedicated to the research and support of those affected by Phelan-McDermid Syndrome.

About Phelan-McDermid Syndrome

This syndrome, also known as Chromosome 22q13 Deletion Syndrome, falls under the category of rare diseases. Its main characteristic is developmental delay, particularly in communication abilities. Generally, this genetic mutation appears spontaneously, without being inherited.

Spanish post in Herencia se suma a la solidaridad con la II edición de ‘Run Like Hero’

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