Inheritance renews its signage on roads in the "Know Your Term" Project. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inheritance renews its signage on roads in the “Know Your Term” Project.

In the municipality of Herencia, an important project of renewal and maintenance of road signs is being carried out. This effort is part of the project ‘Know your area’, an initiative that was born from the Local Agrarian Council in collaboration with the Rural Guard and the Herencian Studies Center. The main objective of the project is to offer the inhabitants and visitors of the locality a clear and precise guide to explore the extensive municipal area.

The project has resulted in the signage of all the roads in the municipal area, a total of 88. These signs not only indicate the names of the roads and their lengths, but also highlight the notable places and buildings that are found along these routes. The initiative has been welcomed enthusiastically by the local community, especially by those who use these roads for agricultural work or sports activities.

The need for replacement and maintenance of the road signs has been mainly due to natural wear over time and, in some cases, acts of vandalism. The current work aims to restore the functionality and visibility of these essential signs for the guidance and safety of users. The strategic placement of the signs at the beginning of each road is particularly useful, as it provides pedestrians with the necessary information to confidently navigate their routes.

The positive response of the community to this maintenance work emphasizes the importance of the project ‘Know your area’ for Herencia. Not only does it improve the accessibility and safety of rural roads, but it also promotes a greater understanding and appreciation of the rich natural and cultural heritage of the locality.

This joint effort between different entities and the local community demonstrates a shared commitment to the preservation and valorization of the natural and cultural resources of Herencia. As the work of renewing the road signs continues, the project ‘Know your area’ consolidates itself as a fundamental pillar in promoting responsible tourism and fostering a sense of belonging and care for the environment among the inhabitants of the locality.

Spanish post in Herencia renueva su cartelería de caminos en el Proyecto ‘Conoce tu Término’

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