Introduction of the Provincial Youth Female Handball Cup in Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Introduction of the Provincial Youth Female Handball Cup in Herencia

Last Monday, the local sports world once again had a reference date for handball. The official presentation of the Provincial Handball Cup in the Female Junior category took place, an event that will take place in the town of Herencia on September 7th and 8th.

Teams in Competition

Four teams will face off in search of the prestigious trophy. The local team, SMD CBM Quijote Herencia, will try to make the most of their hosting status against BM Pozuelo, AD Prado Marianistas, and CD Retamar. The competition promises to be of a high level and a great attendance of the public is expected to support the young handball promises.

Notable Attendees at the Presentation

The presentation featured relevant figures from the local and sports field. Sergio García-Navas, Mayor of Herencia, showed his support and enthusiasm for this tournament that elevates the name of the town. Accompanying him, Pedro Rodríguez, Club President, along with Pedro González-Román and Ramón Mateos de Arriba, directors of SMD CBM Quijote Herencia, revealed details of the event and expressed their gratitude for the support received.

An Invitation to the Fans

The tournament organization extends a cordial invitation to the entire community: “We await you all on the 7th and 8th at the Municipal Sports Center!” It is hoped that these matches, in addition to offering a great sporting spectacle, will strengthen the passion for handball and promote values such as camaraderie, respect, and healthy competition.

In summary, Herencia is preparing to experience two days of excitement and sports with female junior handball. Let the game begin!

Presentation of the Provincial Female Junior Handball Cup in Herencia 1
Presentation of the Provincial Female Junior Handball Cup in Herencia 1

Spanish post in Presentación de la Copa Diputación de Balonmano Juvenil Femenino en Herencia

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