"Koali" signs the poster for the "Anxious Saturday" of the Carnival of Herencia 2024. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

“Koali” signs the poster for the “Anxious Saturday” of the Carnival of Herencia 2024.

The young artist Lucia Martín-Consuegra Martín del Campo, originally from Herencia (Ciudad Real) who signs her work under the artistic name of Koali (@koalicalva), has been commissioned this year to create, entirely altruistically, the poster for the Saturday of the Anxious of the Carnival of Herencia 2024, a celebration that marks the official start of one of the oldest carnivals in Spain.

The poster is a mixed technique, combining a traditional watercolor illustration with typographic compositions and digital elements. The artist wanted to capture the essence of carnival as a transgressive party, where joy, jokes, and parody run freely and where people shed their masks to seek their true freedom and authenticity that is stifled by social norms the rest of the year. Laughter and mockery are what prevails in this festival, and in Herencia, as expected, it is sought with eagerness and desire, making the Saturday of the Anxious the official kickoff, marked by the celebration of the “Herencian New Year” with the consumption of the traditional “ugautreras,” a sweet typical of the Herencia carnival, to parody the start of the New Year.

The Carnival is the ultimate festival in Herencia, merging its profane spirit with the religious aura of the Offertory of Souls. Elements of tradition and modernity fuse, giving way to the spontaneity, creativity, strength, and freshness of the youth who embrace a centuries-old festival, just like the artist Koali’s mixed technique poster reminds everyone to welcome the New Herencian Year on Saturday, February 3rd at 11:30 PM.

As for Lucía Martín-Consuegra Martín del Campo, known as “Koali,” the organizers of the “Saturday of the Anxious” have long been advocating for local culture and art by choosing artists from the area to create the poster. Continuing this practice, “Koali,” Lucía Martín-Consuegra Martín del Campo, has conceived and designed the poster for the Saturday of the Anxious 2024, showcasing the art of young local artists and promoting their work and artistic qualities.

At the age of 16, “Koali” knew that her world was in the fine arts, so she decided to study artistic high school. There, she found her true vocation in the world of poster art and decided to study advertising graphics at the Tomelloso School of Arts, where she is currently in the second year of the program with the intention of furthering her education in the world of design, advertising, and graphic arts.

Spanish post in “Koali” firma el cartel del Sábado de los Ansiosos del Carnaval de Herencia 2024

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