Mancha Norte promotes local development and heritage preservation through three investment projects. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Mancha Norte promotes local development and heritage preservation through three investment projects.

The local action group Mancha Norte: Development and Innovation has launched three new investment projects in Herencia, aimed at promoting local economic growth and preserving the cultural heritage of the municipality. These projects, which focus on helping local businesses and the rehabilitation of the Ermita del Cristo de la Misericordia, fall under Mancha Norte’s two main lines of action.

On the one hand, the group will support two local businesses to carry out improvements to their facilities and acquire new machinery. Fisiotherfis, a physiotherapy clinic, will partially refurbish its exterior and renew its furniture and equipment thanks to the investment from Mancha Norte. Similarly, the Lola Gómez Estilistas beauty salon will receive assistance in purchasing ozone thermoforming machinery, which will improve the quality and diversity of its services.

On the other hand, Mancha Norte is also committed to contributing to the conservation of the cultural heritage of Herencia through the rehabilitation of the Ermita del Cristo de la Misericordia. This emblematic building, built in 1575, houses the image of the Cristo de la Misericordia, the oldest in the town and dating back to 1677. The image depicts Jesus in the painful scene of the Praetorium, and its preservation is of great importance to the religious and cultural heritage of Herencia.

The signing of the agreements for the implementation of these projects took place this morning in the courtyard of the Town Hall. The event was attended by Mayor Sergio García-Navas, Vice President of Mancha Norte Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas, Parish Priest Julián Martín, Rosa García-Navas and Eugenio Carrero of the Brotherhood of the Cristo de la Misericordia, and Lola Gómez and Rosi Fernández-Caballero, on behalf of the beneficiary businesses.

Mancha Norte’s action in Herencia responds to its commitment to local development and innovation, seeking to promote economic growth and improve the quality of life in the region. These investment projects will not only contribute to improving the competitiveness and efficiency of local businesses but will also strengthen the tourist and cultural appeal of Herencia by preserving and enhancing its heritage.

Mayor Sergio García-Navas thanked Mancha Norte’s involvement in supporting businesses and the preservation of the heritage of Herencia. “These investments are fundamental for Herencia to continue growing and consolidating as a dynamic municipality with a rich cultural legacy”, he said.

For her part, Mancha Norte Vice President Conchi Rodríguez-Palancas highlighted the importance of working together with municipalities and local communities to carry out projects that have a positive impact on people’s lives. “Our goal is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of Herencia and the region, promoting economic development and the preservation of cultural heritage,” said Rodríguez-Palancas.

With the implementation of these projects, it is hoped that beneficiary companies can consolidate and grow in the local market, generating employment and wealth in Herencia. At the same time, the rehabilitation of the Ermita del Cristo de la Misericordia will allow the enhancement of a key element of the heritage of Herencia, attracting visitors and strengthening the cultural identity of the municipality.

Mancha Norte: Development and Innovation will continue to work in collaboration with municipalities and local communities to identify new investment opportunities and projects that promote economic growth and conservation of heritage throughout the region. Through initiatives like those carried out in Herencia, the local action group demonstrates its commitment to improving the quality of life and sustainable development in the Mancha Norte.

Spanish post in Mancha Norte impulsa el desarrollo local y la preservación del patrimonio con tres proyectos de inversión

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