More than 100 young people participate in the second call for the Herencia Summer School. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

More than 100 young people participate in the second call for the Herencia Summer School.

The second edition of the highly anticipated Summer School in Herencia, Ciudad Real began last Monday, August 7th. This edition is aimed at young people born between the years 2009 and 2014 and has the participation of over 100 boys and girls.

During this month, the registered participants will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a range of activities, including team sports, water activities, alternative games, and traditional and adapted games. In addition, the program includes some excursions outside the sports facilities, as well as the traditional triathlon, which always generates excitement and anticipation among the young participants and their families.

Beyond the physical activities, the aim of this initiative is to promote coexistence, teamwork, and, above all, to provide a space for healthy fun during the summer season. This friendly and camaraderie-filled environment is possible thanks to the tireless effort and dedication of the instructors and volunteers of the activity, whom we deeply appreciate for their commitment in this new edition.

On the other hand, the visit of the mayor, Sergio García-Navas, did not go unnoticed. He decided to spend a day with the young participants, reaffirming the institutional support to initiatives that promote the well-being and integral development of the young people of Herencia. During his visit, García-Navas was able to see firsthand the enthusiasm and joy that the young people show in each activity.

With proposals like the Summer School, the commitment of the town of Herencia to its young people is confirmed, providing spaces where they can grow, learn, and have fun. The organization expresses the desire that both the participants and their families are enjoying these weeks of activity, sports, and coexistence to the fullest. Enjoy the summer in Herencia!

Spanish post in Más de 100 jóvenes participan en la segunda convocatoria de la Escuela de Verano de Herencia

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