New Edition of Courses and Workshops at the Popular University: Tradition and Renewal. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

New Edition of Courses and Workshops at the Popular University: Tradition and Renewal.

In recent weeks, the Popular University has begun a new edition of its renowned courses and workshops. Mayor Sergio García-Navas, accompanied by Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, councilor of the Popular University, had the opportunity to witness firsthand this exciting start by visiting various ongoing activities.

One of the standout news is the continuation of flamenco and classical dance classes. These specialties, which have been an essential part of the University’s offerings, present in this edition new instructors responsible for guiding participants in the exciting world of dance.

On the other hand, the English course, which has enjoyed great acceptance in previous editions, expands its offerings. Now, it has groups adapted to different ages and levels, from classes for the youngest to a group specially designed for retired people, thus demonstrating the commitment of the Popular University to offer inclusive and customized education to the needs of the community.

However, not everything has been change and renovation. During their visit, the authorities also made a stop at the traditional bobbin lace workshop. This group, one of the oldest in the University, has managed to create a family atmosphere among its participants over the years. In addition to being a learning space, it has become a meeting place and camaraderie. Annually, this workshop culminates with a gathering in which the participants present their creations, authentic works of art, reflecting hours of dedication and passion for this traditional technique.

This new edition of courses and workshops reaffirms the Popular University’s commitment to offering quality education, promoting both tradition and innovation in its educational proposals.

Spanish post in Nueva Edición de Cursos y Talleres en la Universidad Popular: Tradición y Renovación

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