"Photo gallery of Los Pelendengues with 'We're Back'" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

“Photo gallery of Los Pelendengues with ‘We’re Back'”

Last Saturday, the Anxious of the Herencia 2023 Carnival welcomed back Los Pelendengues with their show “We’re Back” at the Herencia Municipal Auditorium. A day to enjoy once again the chirigota from our town and their return for this new edition of the world’s most famous Carnival.

Los Pelendengues Photo Gallery with "We're Back" 45
Los Pelendengues Photo Gallery with “We’re Back” 45

Photos: City Council.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Information diary in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Galería de fotos de Los Pelendengues con «Estamos de Vuelta»

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