Herencia is preparing for a brief scheduled power outage on January 31st, between 8:00 and 10:00 in the morning. This pause in service, announced by the Naturgy Group, is necessary to carry out maintenance and improvement work on the local electrical network.
The interruption will specifically affect several streets and locations within the municipality, including residential and commercial areas. The areas scheduled for this temporary cut include significant sections of Avenida de la Labradora, Caldereros, Carreteros, Cristo de Urda, Esquiladores, Ortega y Gasset, Pastores, San Antón, and Segadores.
This action is part of the electric company’s ongoing efforts to ensure and improve the quality of the electrical supply in Herencia. The work is designed to strengthen the network, avoiding future interruptions and improving the efficiency of the service for all users.

The Naturgy Group has issued a statement informing residents and businesses in the affected areas about the timing of the outage. The company apologizes for any inconvenience that this necessary maintenance may cause and thanks all those affected for their understanding and cooperation.
Residents and business owners in the mentioned streets should take appropriate measures to minimize any inconvenience this scheduled cut may cause. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring backup systems for alarms and essential medical equipment, as well as planning activities that do not require electricity during this period.
The Herencia City Council and the Naturgy Group are committed to keeping the community informed of the progress of this work and any changes in the schedule. Citizens are advised to stay tuned for future communications and follow recommendations to ensure their comfort and safety during this brief service interruption.
Spanish post in Interrupción programada del suministro eléctrico en Herencia por trabajos de mantenimiento