Semi-cured cheese in VillaHerencia olive oil by Quesera Herenciana Cofer achieves Gran Gold in Frankfurt - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Semi-cured cheese in VillaHerencia olive oil by Quesera Herenciana Cofer achieves Gran Gold in Frankfurt

Herencia celebrates an international achievement in the field of gastronomy thanks to Quesera Herenciana Cofer. In the prestigious international cheese competition held in Frankfurt, Germany, the semi-cured cheese in olive oil VillaHerencia has been awarded the Gran Gold medal, consolidating itself as one of the best cheeses worldwide.

This competition, known for bringing together the best cheese and dairy producers, has had the participation of more than 400 products from 10 different countries in this edition. The Gran Gold medal obtained by VillaHerencia cheese is a clear testimony of the quality and excellence that characterize the products of Quesera Herenciana Cofer.

The semi-cured cheese in olive oil VillaHerencia has stood out among a highly competitive field, demonstrating the extraordinary skills and dedication of the cheese masters of Herencia. This recognition not only highlights the exceptional quality of the cheese, but also emphasizes the commitment of Quesera Herenciana Cofer to artisanal production and innovation in the cheese sector.

The success of VillaHerencia in Frankfurt is a source of pride for Herencia and the entire region, showcasing the gastronomic richness and cheese-making tradition of the area to the world. This award also reinforces the position of Quesera Herenciana Cofer in the international market, opening new opportunities for export and global recognition.

From Quesera Herenciana Cofer and the community of Herencia, this award is received not only as a recognition of an exceptional product, but also as an impetus to continue working with passion and dedication in the production of the highest quality cheeses.

Spanish post in Queso semicurado en aceite de oliva VillaHerencia de Quesera Herenciana Cofer obtiene Gran Gold en Frankfurt

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