SMD BM Quijote Herencia's Joint Day of Coexistence in Villarrobledo - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

SMD BM Quijote Herencia’s Joint Day of Coexistence in Villarrobledo

The alevin and cadet teams of SMD BM Quijote Herencia participated in a day of coexistence in the town of Villarrobledo last Saturday, July 15th. The activities, which were organized together with Don Octavio CAB Villarrobledo, offered a great opportunity for the young players of both entities to compete and learn together.

During the morning, the Herencia teams faced the local teams twice. However, beyond the results, the day was marked by camaraderie and passion for handball that both teams showed.

SMD BM Quijote Herencia would like to thank CAB Villarrobledo for their hospitality and excellent organization. These types of events are fundamental to foster sportsmanship and mutual respect among young players.

Both entities are already looking forward to their next meeting, this time in Herencia, where they will continue to strengthen their bonds of friendship and sporting rivalry.

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