Solidarity Cycling Tour in Herencia in support of "Vicky's dream" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Solidarity Cycling Tour in Herencia in support of “Vicky’s dream”

On Sunday, May 21st, the town of Herencia will host a Solidarity Cyclotourist March in support of “El Sueño de Vicky” (Vicky’s Dream), a foundation dedicated to researching childhood cancer. The event, organized by the Peña Oscar Laguna and with the collaboration of the Municipal Sports Service of the Herencia City Council, will feature two routes, one for children and one for adults, both starting at the Plaza de España. This initiative seeks to promote solidarity and commitment in the fight against childhood cancer, while enjoying a day of sports and recreation with the family.
Registration for the march can be done through the town hall’s website until Thursday, May 18th. Those who wish to contribute but cannot participate in the march can also do so through the “fila cero” formula, making a transfer to account number ES91 0049 3248 91 21 14263392 and indicating “HERENCIA” in the concept. It is also possible to make a donation through Bizum, using the NGO code 02059 and the concept “HERENCIA”.
Participating in this Solidarity Cyclotourist March is an opportunity to join a noble cause and contribute to childhood cancer research. We invite the entire community of Herencia to join this initiative and contribute their grain of sand in the fight against this disease that affects children.

Spanish post in Marcha Cicloturista Solidaria en Herencia a favor de “El sueño de Vicky”

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