Swimming and pilates summer courses in Herencia conclude with great success in participation. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Swimming and pilates summer courses in Herencia conclude with great success in participation.

This week marked the closing of swimming courses and the Pilates Summer activity in its second call of August at the Municipal Pool of Herencia. With more than 250 participating students, divided into various groups and under the supervision of specialized instructors, the program has been a resounding success. We thank all the instructors for their dedication and effort during this month of activities.

The Councilor for Sports, Serafín Tajuelo, made an appearance at the facilities to give sweets to all the participants and obtain a detailed report on the development of the courses. “It is an opportunity to know firsthand how the experience has been for the participants and to thank them for their enthusiasm,” said Tajuelo.

The organization hopes that all those who have been part of these two months of aquatic activities have enjoyed the experience to the fullest.

Spanish post in Finalizan cursillos de natación y pilates summer en Herencia con gran éxito de participación

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