The 24-hour Chapel of Heritage: A Pioneer in Perpetual Adoration - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The 24-hour Chapel of Heritage: A Pioneer in Perpetual Adoration

The Perpetual Adoration Chapel of Herencia, located in Plaza de España, has become a spiritual landmark since its opening in February 2023. With uninterrupted operation, this chapel ensures that Jesus on the cross is never alone, thanks to the dedication of around 400 worshippers who take turns praying 24 hours a day.

A constant commitment

The main characteristic of this chapel is that there is always someone praying, no matter the hour. Alberto, the parish priest of Herencia, highlights the special atmosphere that is created during the early morning shifts, which are the most requested by worshippers. “At night, there is more recollection, a special atmosphere is created,” he affirms.

Organization and community

To maintain this rhythm, volunteers organize themselves using a color-coded calendar, allowing each worshipper to adjust to their personal circumstances. “There is a young couple who go at 6 in the morning, then they have breakfast and go to work,” comments Alberto, illustrating the flexibility of the system.

A chapel open to all

The Perpetual Adoration Chapel of Herencia not only attracts local believers, but also people from nearby towns such as Villarta de San Juan, Cinco Casas, Campo de Criptana, and Alcázar de San Juan. Among the worshippers are both committed believers and those seeking a space of peace, regardless of their faith.

Impact on the community

The constant presence of people in the chapel has had positive effects beyond the spiritual realm. For example, a neighbor was able to stop a robbery at a tobacco shop thanks to attending the chapel at 5 in the morning. These acts strengthen the connection between daily life and the religious commitment of the worshippers.

An example of faith and dedication

The Perpetual Adoration Chapel of Herencia is a clear example of how faith and organization can create a space of continuous devotion. With the support of a dedicated community, this chapel has managed to become a place of recollection and perpetual prayer, marking a milestone in the province and serving as inspiration for other places.
An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real).Diario de información en el corazón de la mancha.

Spanish post in La capilla 24 horas de Herencia: Pionera en la adoración perpetua

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