The Cheese Interpretation Center of Herenciano, Quesalia, awarded with the Corazón de la Mancha Comarcal Prize. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Cheese Interpretation Center of Herenciano, Quesalia, awarded with the Corazón de la Mancha Comarcal Prize.

In an occasion that fills us with pride, the Interpretation Center of Herencian Cheese, Quesalia, has received the prestigious Regional Heart of La Mancha Award in the 30th edition of these awards. This recognition highlights the relevance of our cheese as one of the cultural and gastronomic pillars of La Mancha, recognized not only at the national but also at the international level.

Herencia is home to an impressive number of traditional cheese factories, most of them family-owned businesses that have gained global recognition thanks to the excellent quality of their product.

The mayor of Herencia, Sergio García-Navas, in a recent interview, shared the importance of Quesalia and the cheese industry in general for the identity and tourist attraction of our town. He expressed that Quesalia represents “a milestone that positions Herencia on the map” and that there is “no better emblem than Manchego cheese, than Herencian cheese.”

Quesalia is not only a tribute to our cheese-making tradition but has also become a local economic driver and a tourist attraction of great interest, allowing visitors to delve into the culture and traditions associated with Manchego cheese.

García-Navas stressed the contribution of local cheese makers and shepherds in the creation of Quesalia. Donations of cheese pieces from cheese factories and shepherding tools are an integral part of the exhibition at Quesalia, which is complemented by a historical and cultural tour to understand the importance of cheese in our region.

With great excitement, the mayor celebrated this shared award, highlighting the role of cheese producers and shepherds in the production of the “most wonderful and highest quality cheese in the world”. This award is a badge that Herencia wears proudly, a town that “breathes in the aroma of cheese.”

Spanish post in El Centro de Interpretación del Queso Herenciano, Quesalia, galardonado con el Premio Corazón de la Mancha Comarcal

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