The Civil Guard saves an injured man. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Civil Guard saves an injured man.

In a rescue operation that took place in the Sierra de La Sevillana, the Civil Guard once again demonstrated their valuable work in service of the community. On August 27th, the security force received a call from the emergency service 112, reporting an accident in the mountain.

Location Complicates the Rescue

The initial report indicated that the injured man was located on the path to the Pedriza antenna. However, thanks to the GPS coordinates provided during the emergency call, the agents were able to determine that the individual was actually on a steeper variant of the climb to La Rendija.

Immediate Medical Attention and Risky Descent

Upon arrival at the scene, the agents found a 60-year-old man with minor injuries and bruises, but with a more severe injury to his left ankle that prevented him from moving. Personnel from the Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha arrived to provide first aid.

Since the terrain was inaccessible for any type of vehicle, a manual solution was chosen. The Civil Guard agents and the medical personnel descended, carrying the injured man on their shoulders through extremely rocky terrain.

Firefighters’ Intervention and Transfer to the Hospital

At the base of the mountain, the firefighters joined the effort, helping to place the injured man on a special stretcher for transportation. Finally, the man was taken to the Hospital General La Mancha-Centro for additional medical treatment.

This rescue exemplifies the high level of commitment and professionalism of the security forces and emergency services, who do not hesitate to risk their lives to save others. This event highlights the importance of following safety regulations when engaging in outdoor activities, especially in hard-to-reach areas such as mountains.

Spanish post in Guardia Civil salva a hombre accidentado

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