The El Herencia CF was received at the Municipal Auditorium following their recent promotion. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The El Herencia CF was received at the Municipal Auditorium following their recent promotion.

The Municipal Auditorium of Herencia was the setting for a warm reception last Friday, organized by the City Council and presided over by Mayor Sergio García-Navas, in honor of Herencia CF and their recent sporting success. In a festive atmosphere, players, coaching staff, and management were the deserved protagonists, after achieving the league championship and promotion to the First Preferente in a memorable match against Atco. Puertollano.

This event symbolized the community’s recognition of the dedication and effort of the Herencia team, who have managed to unite their fans around a common cause: a passion for football and local pride. The mayor personally congratulated each member of the club, highlighting the importance of cohesion and resilience that Herencia CF has demonstrated throughout the season.

The team, not resting on their laurels, has already resumed training with the aim of finishing the season on a high note, facing the remaining three matches with the same determination and competitive spirit that has led them to victory. The expectations are high, but the confidence in Herencia CF is even greater.

The occasion also served for the club to share a collection of images captured during the event, a gallery that visually narrates the triumph and emotion of a team that has achieved much more than promotion; they have united a community in celebration.

With the end of the season on the horizon, the message is clear: the work is not yet done, and the pursuit of excellence continues. once again extends congratulations to Herencia CF for their triumph, wishing them success in the challenges ahead and expressing the certainty that they will continue to be a source of joy for Herencia. Forward, greens, to finish the season with the same determination and heart that characterizes you!

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Newspaper of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in El Herencia CF recibido en el Auditorio Municipal tras su reciente ascenso

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