The installation of a Skate Park and the improvement of an access to the Municipal Park were approved during the 5th edition of the Neighborhood Assembly. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The installation of a Skate Park and the improvement of an access to the Municipal Park were approved during the 5th edition of the Neighborhood Assembly.

The fifth edition of the Herencia Neighborhood Council, a municipality committed to citizen participation, has culminated in the approval of various proposals to improve the urban environment and promote sports. In the last session, the eleven members of the council agreed on the allocation of €40,000, part of the municipal budget, to four feasible and community-oriented projects.

The star initiative of the session was the installation of a Skate Park, which responds to the growing demand of young people and enthusiasts of skateboarding, roller skating, and other sports on wheels, such as rollerblading and cycling. This new sports facility will offer a safe and suitable space for the practice of these outdoor activities.

As for urban furniture, it was decided to install a bench in front of the A padel court and two picnic areas in the Municipal Children’s Park. These improvements will provide comfort and functionality to the leisure and sports areas in the locality.

The last measure approved in the Neighborhood Council was the adaptation and improvement of the access gate that connects the Municipal Park with Alcázar Avenue. This intervention will facilitate the transit of residents and visitors and improve the connection between the two public spaces.

Citizen participation in the management of public resources is a fundamental tool for building a more democratic and fair municipality. With initiatives such as the Neighborhood Council, the Herencia City Council seeks to strengthen the community’s involvement in decision-making and ensure that resources are invested in relevant and beneficial projects for all.

As a recognition of the commitment and participation of the eleven councilors of the Neighborhood Council, checks have been given to them to spend in the local shops of Herencia. In this way, support for local commerce and the municipality’s economy are also fostered.

Spanish post in Aprobada la instalación de una pista de Skate Park y la mejora de un acceso al Parque Municipal en la V edición del Pleno Vecinal

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