The Municipal Auditorium presents its autumn-winter programming. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Municipal Auditorium presents its autumn-winter programming.

In the run-up to the long-awaited Fair and Festivities in honor of the Virgin of Las Mercedes, Herencia Municipal Auditorium is dressed up to announce its autumn-winter program. This effort, the result of collaboration between the Culture Department, the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government, and the Provincial Government of Ciudad Real, promises to be a top-level cultural showcase for the region.

With a total of 13 scheduled events, the season will begin on October 1st with the Seniors’ Day, where local talent Mercedes Abril and her flamenco group will shine before the audience of Herencia. Diversity will be the dominant theme of this agenda: from the traditional galas of Axonsou and the concert in honor of Santa Cecilia, to theatrical proposals such as “El Crédito” starring Pablo Carbonell and Armando del Río, and family musicals like Mulan.

Furthermore, humor couldn’t be missing, with Agustín Durán’s monologue. And as the holiday season approaches, events such as the Body Training galas organized by the Popular University, the presentation of Unísono with local artists, and the great Christmas concert promise to keep the festive and cultural spirit high.

The Culture Councilor, Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, highlighted this program as a reflection of Herencia’s ongoing search for quality shows. “It is evident that our town continues to vibrate with culture, something we have seen with the packed seats in the past season,” he said.

For those interested in being part of these cultural experiences, tickets for some of the shows will be available starting on Tuesday, September 19th, at and at the Herencia Cultural Center. Undoubtedly, an autumn-winter full of art, music, and theater awaits the residents and visitors of Herencia.

Spanish post in Auditorio Municipal presenta su programación de otoño-invierno

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