The Municipal Sports Schools of Herencia Present Their Proposal for the 2023/2024 Season - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Municipal Sports Schools of Herencia Present Their Proposal for the 2023/2024 Season

The Municipal Sports Schools of Herencia are being renewed and this year they come loaded with interesting news. From next Monday, August 28, registrations will be opened for activities aimed at children and adults, offered by the Municipal Sports Service of the Herencia City Council for the 2023/2024 season.

What’s new?

For the youth, the official start of training will take place on Monday, September 11. In response to last year’s growing demand, some disciplines, such as Active Dance or Futsal, will expand their group offerings. For this season, ages from 2007 to 2018 are included in the children’s stage, covering such varied sports as Athletics, Active Dance, Football, Rhythmic Gymnastics, Padel, and more.

For adults, classes will start on October 2. In addition to already known activities, this year highlights the addition of Hiking to the offering. This activity aims to take advantage of and showcase the beauty of the natural areas of our locality. In addition, a new group will be added in the morning for Body Training Dance due to its growing popularity.

The Sports Councilor, Serafín Tajuelo Díaz-Pavón, highlights the schools’ commitment: “We try to cover all tastes and needs, expanding schedules when necessary, so that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy sports” .

Registrations Herencia Sports School

Promoting online processing, registrations can be made through the platform on the municipal website. A QR code is also available on promotional posters and an AyMo APP. To facilitate the process, a tutorial video is offered that explains in detail the registration procedure.

Fees Herencia Sports Schools

  • For the youngest: €40 per quarter. Multisport (year 2019) will have a cost of €14 per quarter.
  • Adults: €20 per month.

There are discounts for children registered in local Parent Associations (AMPAS), large families, and those who enroll in a second sports activity. In addition, a complete discount is available for users with economic difficulties, under a proposal from the Municipal Technical Services.

The Municipal Sports Schools consolidate themselves as a wide and diverse offering, seeking to meet the needs and preferences of all residents of Herencia. An invitation to move and enjoy sports in the community!

Promotional Video for Sports Schools

Spanish post in Las Escuelas Deportivas Municipales de Herencia Presentan su Propuesta para la Temporada 2023/2024

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