The new Government team of Herencia takes office and assigns council positions. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The new Government team of Herencia takes office and assigns council positions.

In the extraordinary session held on Monday in the Plenary Hall of the City Council, the distribution of council positions for the operation of the new Government team of Herencia for the 2023-2027 term was approved.

During the session, the composition of the political groups and their spokespersons were announced, information was provided on the delegations of the councilors, and representatives in collective bodies were appointed. In addition, it was agreed to maintain the frequency of plenary sessions every two months, as previously established.

The deputy mayor positions have been structured as follows: Mª Dolores Fernández Fernández-Caballero will occupy the first position, followed by José Manuel Bolaños Viso, Concepción Rodríguez-Palancas Díaz-Pacheco, and Mª Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco Galán.

As for the new municipal delegations for the next four years, they have been defined as follows:

  • Sergio García-Navas Corrales assumes the position of mayor and will be responsible for the Festivities area.
  • Mª Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco Galán will be the councilor for Rural Development, OMIC, Heritage, and Tourism.
  • Serafín Tajuelo Díaz-Pavón will assume the councilorship of Sports, Swimming Pool, Local Police, and Citizen Security.
  • Mª Dolores Fernández Fernández-Caballero will be in charge of Employment and Training, Economic Promotion, and Education.
  • Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana Fernández-Caballero will be responsible for Equality, Youth, and Culture.
  • Concepción Rodríguez-Palancas Díaz-Pacheco will be the councilor for Personnel, Seniors, Social Welfare, and Citizen Assistance.
  • José Manuel Bolaños Viso will be in charge of Public Works, Urban Planning, Gardens, Environment, and Cleaning.
  • Inmaculada Ortega Fernández-Caballero will assume the councilorship of Economy and Finance, Cemetery, and New Technologies.

Regarding remuneration, the mayor, Sergio García-Navas Corrales, will receive a gross monthly salary of 2965.94 euros. The five councilors with partial dedication will receive 589.84 euros per month. The amounts for attendance to collective bodies have also been established, set at 40 euros for attending Committees and Governing Boards, and 60 euros for plenary sessions.

Following this approval, the newly formed Government team is setting in motion with the commitment to work for the benefit of the residents of Herencia and continue promoting the economic and social development of the locality.

Spanish post in Nuevo equipo de Gobierno de Herencia toma posesión y asigna concejalías

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