The Summer School 2023 of the Municipal Sports Service of the City Council begins. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Summer School 2023 of the Municipal Sports Service of the City Council begins.

This week the Summer School 2023 began, an initiative organized by the Municipal Sports Service of the City Council, aimed at children born between 2015 and 2018. These activities will continue until July 28th, taking place in various sports facilities in the town and other nearby spaces such as the Municipal Park.

The Summer School offers different themes to the participants. One example of this was the recent visit of the Mayor of the town, Sergio García-Navas, and the Sports Councilor, Serafín Tajuelo. On this occasion, the protagonists of the activities were the stuffed animals of the little participants, creating an atmosphere full of joy and fun.

In the coming weeks, the young people will enjoy a varied range of activities led by their monitors, including camping and water activities, as well as sports and excursions. The goal is not only to enjoy the summer and the company of their peers, but also to learn more about their town.

From the City Council and the Municipal Sports Service, we wish all the participants good luck on this enriching journey of discovery and fun. Let the summer full of adventures begin!

Spanish post in Arranca la Escuela de Verano 2023 del Servicio Municipal de Deportes del Ayuntamiento

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