The Summer Tennis League in Herencia concludes successfully. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Summer Tennis League in Herencia concludes successfully.

The Summer Tennis League concluded this morning with an exciting finish, bringing an end to a competition that has provided tennis fans with unforgettable moments during this summer season.

The participants demonstrated a high level of play and a commitment that was reflected in each match. In the Regular League category, Ángel Gómez took first place, followed by Juan Francisco Fernández Almoguera and Jesús David García-Morato. On the other hand, in the Second Division Playoff, Ángel Fernández achieved the gold, with Francisco García in second position. Finally, the First Division Playoff was conquered by Juan Francisco Fernández Almoguera, with Ángel Gómez and Jesús David García-Morato completing the podium.

The event not only recognized the players’ talent, but also highlighted the support and collaboration of local businesses that contributed with products for the trophy presentation. Among these, the Cooperativa la Encarnación from the Montes Norte group, Bodegas San José, Carnicerías Gallego, Quesera Herenciana Cofer, Talleres Álamo Blanco, and JF sport training stood out.

The award ceremony was led by Serafín Tajuelo, Sports Councilor of the Herencia City Council, who was accompanied by Juan Francisco Fdez.-Almoguera, the organizer of the competition.

From here, we want to send warm congratulations to all the participants for their performance and to the winners for their triumph in each category. The Summer Tennis League has been a clear example of the sports passion that is experienced in Herencia and the talent that is cultivated on its courts. Until the next edition!

Spanish post in Finaliza con éxito la Liga de Tenis de Verano en Herencia

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