The Women's Center is organizing a video forum in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Women’s Center is organizing a video forum in Herencia.

The Herencia Women’s Center has scheduled an activity that seeks to raise awareness about a problem that affects women in vulnerable situations: surrogacy or, as it is commonly known, “renting wombs”.

On September 1st, at 8:00 PM, a video forum focused on surrogacy will be held at the Casa de Herencia. This activity is part of the municipality’s effort to bring visibility to and denounce practices that, although illegal in Spain, continue to be the subject of debate and reflection.

The organizers highlight the global business dimension that underlies this practice and, in many cases, exploits women in need of economic and social support. It is a phenomenon that commodifies the female body, placing it in a position of transactional object.

With this initiative, the aim is to clarify the concept of surrogacy, shedding light on the legal, ethical, and moral boundaries that surround it. It is an opportunity to understand the reality faced by women who decide, often out of necessity, to lend their wombs to gestate children for others.

The Women’s Center invites the community to participate in this video forum, with the aim of promoting reflection and debate on the future of this phenomenon and contributing to knowledge and awareness of another form of gender-based violence.

Awareness Against Surrogacy: the Women's Center organizes a video forum in Herencia 1
Awareness Against Surrogacy: the Women’s Center organizes a video forum in Herencia 1

Spanish post in el Centro de la Mujer organiza un videofórum en Herencia

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