"Vacation in Peace Program": Stories that Leave a Mark on Herencia - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

“Vacation in Peace Program”: Stories that Leave a Mark on Herencia

In the midst of the desert dust and relentless heat, an oasis of hope blooms every summer thanks to the ‘Vacations in Peace’ program organized by the Friends of the Saharawi People Association ‘El Uali’ in Herencia. Under the motto ‘Stories that Leave a Mark’, this initiative provides a temporary refuge and respite for Saharawi children who arrive in our homes, bringing stories of bravery, resistance, and dreams of a better future.

By participating in this program, families in Herencia offer not only a roof, but also unconditional love, warmth, and the opportunity for these children to simply be children. During their stay, they enjoy weeks filled with fun, care, and the possibility of creating happy memories to cherish forever. Walks on the beach, games in the park, and shared meals at our tables build bridges of friendship and solidarity that transcend borders and cultures.

The Herencia City Council invites families in the town to join this solidarity project by contacting the Friends of the Saharawi People Association ‘El Uali’. Through this generous gesture, they can leave an indelible mark on the lives of these children and be part of a movement that embodies the true essence of human solidarity.

An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Daily information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Programa ‘Vacaciones en Paz’: Historias que dejan Huella en Herencia

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