Young promising gymnasts from Herencia shine in the International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament in Valencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Young promising gymnasts from Herencia shine in the International Rhythmic Gymnastics Tournament in Valencia.

Valencia witnessed the emerging talent of Herencia in the field of rhythmic gymnastics this weekend, with the outstanding participation of two students from the Sports Schools of the municipality in the prestigious International Tournament Rubén Orihuela. Lola Gámez-Calcerrada and Anna Yeghiazaryan, representing the passion and commitment of their land, faced a major challenge in a competition that brought together some of the best gymnasts on the international scene.

The young athletes not only presented themselves in the competition with their well-rehearsed routines but also with the determination to uphold the name of Herencia. Their performances, marked by precision and grace, achieved outstanding results and demonstrated that the future of rhythmic gymnastics in Herencia is promising.

The experience gained in Valencia is another step in their sports career and an excellent omen for future events. From Herencia, their efforts are applauded and a message of encouragement is sent to them to continue with the same strength and enthusiasm in future competitions.

These achievements also reflect the excellent work done by the Sports Schools, whose support and training are shaping athletes capable of competing and excelling at a national and international level. Herencia eagerly awaits more news of successes like these, which will undoubtedly continue to come thanks to the talent and dedication of its young athletes.

An article published on the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Diario de información en el corazón de la mancha.

Spanish post in Jóvenes promesas de Herencia brillan en el Torneo Internacional de Gimnasia Rítmica en Valencia

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