Useful Phone numbers - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Useful Phone numbers

Herencia City Council
926 57 10 02
926 57 00 24
Fax: 926 57 10 19

Culture Centre
Cl. Lope de Vega, 35
926 57 36 96

Municipal Library «Miguel de Cervantes»
926 57 24 75

Social Services Centre
926 57 17 00

Women’s Centre
926 57 32 72

Youth Information Centre
926 57 17 00

Child Care Centre
926 57 10 83

Pensioners’ Centre
926 57 20 27

School of Music
Cl. Convento, 14
926 57 40 01

Municipal Sports Centre
Avda. Pablo Iglesias, s/n
926 57 32 06

Guardia Civil
926 57 37 07

Justice of the Peace
926 57 10 70


Carrasco Alcalde School
926 57 12 04

Hermógenes Rguez High School
926 57 33 80

Padres Mercedarios Seminar Minor
926 57 10 87

Ntra. Sra. de las Mercedes School
926 57 11 67

Inmaculada Concepción Parish
926 57 11 71

San Francisco Residence
926 57 11 12

Emaser (Water company)
926 57 25 42
639 21 71 91

Postal Service
926 57 35 00

To sleep in Herencia...

Our town has always had an important lack of accommodation for our visitors and tourists. However, we have a wide selection of hotels and hostels in the surrounding area that allow you to enjoy Herencia and the surrounding area.

At present, the accommodation to sleep and enjoy our town and the surrounding area is as follows:

Finca «Las Eras»

Calle Santo Sepulcro, s/n
Phone: +34 619 36 44 04
Facebook: Finca «Las Eras»
House for 12 guests with:
3 bedrooms.
8 beds.
Swimming pool, parking, games, barbecue…

Cortijo Sierra La Solana

Ctra. CRP 1343, Km, 1,6
Phone: +34 608 926 844
Email: [email protected]
5 double rooms
1 Apartment for 4 persons
1 Suite for up to 6 persons

Where to sleep in Alcázar de San Juan and the surrounding area...

The neighbouring towns of Herencia have a wide range of accommodation, such as hotels, hostels and rural houses, which we can book to enjoy the surroundings and also visit our town, monuments and natural sites.

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