"Improvement and repair plan in progress for various playgrounds" - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

“Improvement and repair plan in progress for various playgrounds”

The Department of Works is implementing an improvement, inspection, and repair plan in several playgrounds throughout the municipality, with the purpose of ensuring optimal safety and hygiene conditions in these spaces. Workers in this area began their work a few days ago, first evaluating the needs and acting in those parks where it is most needed.

The actions have already begun in the Municipal Park and include repairing defects, inspecting equipment that is in poor condition, and painting fences, walls and other elements of the spaces that have deteriorated due to use and the passage of time.

Mayor Sergio García-Navas, during his morning visit alongside Urban Planning Councillor Francisco Gallego de la Sacristana and the municipal architect, explained that this special plan aims to guarantee the proper maintenance of the playground equipment, providing safe and suitable spaces for the community. Thus, they seek to offer a cared-for and pleasant municipality for its inhabitants, which is why this type of maintenance work is routinely planned.

The plan, which includes interventions in the Municipal Park and the so-called 3 de Abril, has an investment of 26,700 euros from municipal funds. It also includes the replacement of some sections of rubber and specific repairs, as its cushioning function has been affected due to continuous use.

Spanish post in Plan de Mejoramiento y Reparación en marcha para diversos parques infantiles

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