The team La Marea - Fisio LR is crowned champion of the "Villa del Queso" Indoor Soccer Marathon in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The team La Marea – Fisio LR is crowned champion of the “Villa del Queso” Indoor Soccer Marathon in Herencia.

Last weekend, the town of Herencia vibrated to the rhythm of the “Villa del Queso” Indoor Football Marathon, a tournament included in the Summer League which concluded with La Marea – Fisio LR lifting the champion title.

After a weekend of intense competition, the tournament’s honours board was defined as follows:

  • The champion title went to La Marea – Fisio LR.
  • The runner-up position was claimed by Cereal Betis.
  • The Victoriano Manzanares Sportsmanship Award was given to the team Transporte J. Gómez.
  • Diego Toribio Carnero was recognized as the best player of the tournament.

The trophy presentation ceremony was attended by Serafín Tajuelo, Sports Councillor of the City Council, and Jesús Díaz-Pavón, President of the DXT Herencia Association.

The event was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the local cheese factories Gómez-Moreno and Cofer, who donated cheeses for the trophy presentation. The “Villa del Queso” Indoor Football Marathon has once again demonstrated its status as a standout event in Herencia’s sports calendar, where futsal and passion for sport are the true protagonists.

Spanish post in El equipo La Marea – Fisio LR se corona campeón del Maratón de Fútbol-Sala “Villa del Queso” en Herencia

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