Comsermancha will implement a network of 166 containers for the recycling of used oil. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Comsermancha will implement a network of 166 containers for the recycling of used oil.

This Monday, September 18th, the Comsermancha Service Consortium, in collaboration with Green Ambiental S.L., has announced the implementation of an innovative service for the collection of used vegetable oil from domestic sources. This initiative, presented at the Comsermancha headquarters by President Rosa Melchor, Vice President Santiago Lázaro, and Green Ambiental representative Antonio Toledo, marks a milestone in promoting environmental sustainability and the protection of water resources in the region.

166 containers will be distributed in all municipalities of the region, with an average of almost one container per thousand inhabitants. These containers will be strategically located in designated recycling areas, thus facilitating their use by the public.

Rosa Melchor highlighted the severity of the environmental impact of improperly disposed oil, noting that “three liters of oil can contaminate up to 40,000 liters of water.” Additionally, recycling this oil prevents the emission of three tons of CO2 for every ton recycled. The collected oil will be reused to produce asphalt binders and biodiesel, promoting a circular economy.

Antonio Toledo reported that, after the installation of the containers, intensive monitoring will be carried out to adapt the service to the specific needs of each locality. This week, installation will begin in towns such as Alcázar de San Juan, Tomelloso, Herencia, and Socuéllamos, among others.

To ensure efficiency and safety of the process, the containers will have trays designed to prevent spills. Additionally, the oil, including that from canned food, must be deposited in plastic bottles.

Green Ambiental S.L. has assured that their team of professionals and specialized fleet of vehicles are equipped to handle any eventualities related to oil collection.

This project reflects Comsermancha’s commitment to sustainability and responsible waste management, seeking not only to protect the environment, but also to educate and raise awareness in the community about the importance of recycling and conservation.

Spanish post in Comsermancha implementará una red de 166 contenedores para el reciclaje de aceite usado

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