In English, it would be: "Inheritance resonates with the exciting Luis Javier Basketball Trophy derby." - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

In English, it would be: “Inheritance resonates with the exciting Luis Javier Basketball Trophy derby.”

The afternoon of Friday, September 22 was filled with basketball passion in Herencia with the celebration of the Luis Javier Basketball Trophy. An event that, beyond the competition, carries a deeply rooted symbolism in the local community.

In an unprecedented edition, the trophy was the stage for an exciting derby between the two representative teams of the town. These squads, who will defend the name of Herencia in the upcoming season of the Castilla-La Mancha Zonal League, faced off in a match that will undoubtedly be engraved in the memory of the fans.

The culmination of the event took place with the trophy presentation, which was attended by prominent local personalities. Sergio García-Navas, Mayor of Herencia, was accompanied by Lola Fernández and Aitor Gallego de la Sacristana, both Councilors of the City Council. In addition, representatives from both clubs were present, and in a very special way, family members of Luis Javier.

The organization extended a sincere thank you to all attendees, especially to the family of Luis Javier, whose support has been essential not only for this trophy, but also for the promotion of sports in the town. This edition of the Luis Javier Trophy has not only celebrated sports, but has also reaffirmed the unity and community spirit of Herencia.

Spanish post in Herencia vibra con el emocionante derbi del Trofeo Luis Javier de Baloncesto

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