Herencia dresses up in tradition with the 37th Folk Festival during its Fair and Festivities. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia dresses up in tradition with the 37th Folk Festival during its Fair and Festivities.

In the festive atmosphere that adorns the town of Herencia, the 37th Folk Festival was celebrated with great enthusiasm in the emblematic Plaza de España. The event, which took place during the Fair and Festivals, has established itself over the years as an unmissable event for those who value and enjoy the most deeply-rooted cultural expressions.

The audience present was able to delight in the rich diversity of folk proposals. On one hand, the Herencia Folk Group once again demonstrated their deep commitment to preserving and spreading the traditions of the town. In addition, the Folklore Popular University School did not lag behind and showcased the talent and passion of its members, many of whom are young people who have chosen to keep the flame of regional folklore alive.

But Herencia was not the only presence on the stage. The Festival counted with the valuable participation of two visiting groups that enriched the day with their unique scenes and sounds. The Tío Sabu Dance Group, from Toro (Zamora), displayed a sample of the dances and customs of their region on stage, receiving the warm applause of the audience. On the other hand, the Alboroque Folk Group from Aspe (Alicante) delivered a memorable performance, which showcased the cultural richness of Alicante’s folklore.

Undoubtedly, the Plaza de España was the perfect stage for tradition, art, and passion to intertwine in a festival that, edition after edition, establishes itself as a reference of Herencia’s cultural identity and its visitors. This celebration made it clear that folklore is still alive, and that events like this are essential for its preservation and dissemination among the new generations.

Herencia dresses in tradition with the 37th Folk Festival during its Fair and Festivals 1
Herencia dresses in tradition with the 37th Folk Festival during its Fair and Festivals 1

Spanish post in Herencia se viste de tradición con el 37º Festival Folclórico durante sus Feria y Fiestas

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