Campaign to reduce the digital divide - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Campaign to reduce the digital divide

Herencia is getting ready to receive the “Join Generation D” campaign on October 7th, 9th, and 10th. The main objective of this initiative is to inform and promote digital skills, focusing on reducing the digital divide in certain sectors of the population.

On the first day, October 7th, workshops will only be held in the afternoon, from 4:30pm to 8:30pm. Each of these free workshops will last for one hour, with a maximum capacity limit of 20 people, ensuring a more personalized attention.

Although the campaign is designed for the general public, it places special emphasis on groups that usually have less access or digital skills. This includes people over 50, retirees, homemakers, long-term unemployed, immigrants, and populations at risk of exclusion, among others.

The Herencia City Council, aware of the importance of adapting to the digital world and the opportunities it brings, urges all municipal associations and citizens within the target audience to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

Although admission is free, the organization recommends making a prior reservation to choose the day and time. This will facilitate the organization and avoid possible waits, especially if there are already other groups enjoying the workshops upon arrival.

Don’t miss the opportunity to join this digital wave and acquire skills that will undoubtedly open doors in the current world. Join Generation D in Herencia!

Herencia joins Generation D: Campaign to reduce the digital divide 1
Herencia joins Generation D: Campaign to reduce the digital divide 1

Spanish post in Campaña para reducir la brecha digital

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