The emblematic Mulberry Tree of the Water Wells in Herencia is suffering the ravages of rain. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The emblematic Mulberry Tree of the Water Wells in Herencia is suffering the ravages of rain.

Although rain is essential for life and ecosystem balance, it occasionally brings unwanted consequences. This past weekend, Herencia witnessed how severe weather can affect its emblematic corners. After a storm accompanied by intense winds, the historic Morera tree in the Pozos del Agua area has suffered visible damage, awakening nostalgia and concern within the community.

This tree, with roots deeply connected to the history and traditions of Herencia, has witnessed generations of herencianos. Its sturdy trunk and leafy branches have provided shelter and a place for games for many, serving as the setting for unforgettable memories. Now, after the onslaught of bad weather, it is necessary to carry out proper pruning to ensure its recovery and prolong its existence.

Fortunately, despite the impact on the tree, no personal injuries have been reported. The community is hopeful that, with proper care, the Morera tree can continue to be a point of reference and pride for all herencianos.

The emblematic Morera tree in the Pozos del Agua area in Herencia suffers the ravages of rain 1
The emblematic Morera tree in the Pozos del Agua area in Herencia suffers the ravages of rain 1

Photos by José Ángel “El Gato” on Facebook.

Spanish post in La emblemática Morera de los Pozos del Agua en Herencia sufre los estragos de la lluvia

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