The CEAT Study Center in Tomelloso explores the Touristic Development Plan of Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The CEAT Study Center in Tomelloso explores the Touristic Development Plan of Herencia.

The Tourism Development Plan of Herencia has aroused the interest of various sectors, the latest being the CEAT Study Center of Tomelloso. Recently, a group of students from the module ‘Local Tourism Promotion and Visitor Information’ of the mentioned educational center traveled to Herencia in order to immerse themselves in the strategies and resources that are being implemented in the town.

This visit responds to the curiosity generated by the promotion and commercialization actions of tourism products and services that Herencia has implemented. The students had the opportunity to directly learn about the initiatives that the City Council, specifically the Tourism and Heritage areas, have been developing to promote local tourism.

During the tour, Juan Francisco Prado, a municipal worker, and the Councilor for Tourism Promotion, Mª Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco Galán, acted as hosts. They presented the visitors points of interest such as the cloister of the City Council, which usually hosts exhibitions of national painting competitions, and artistic murals located on Pintor Agustín Úbeda street. However, one of the biggest attractions was ‘Quhesalia’, a museum that celebrates the pastoral tradition of the municipality and has positioned cheese as a promotional element of the agri-food industry. This place is so emblematic that it attracts tourists from all over the world every week.

Mª Eugenia Díaz-Pacheco Galán emphasized the importance of the actions that are being carried out under the 2021-2024 Tourism Development Plan. This plan aims not only to enrich and diversify the heritage and agri-food tourism offer, but also to promote a quality private tourism offer. In the words of the councilor: “We are committed to an attractive and competitive destination for rural and cultural tourism, which provides a memorable experience for those who visit Herencia, encouraging them to remember and recommend it.”

Undoubtedly, this initiative of Herencia is becoming a reference in the tourism sector, showing that with strategy and passion, unforgettable experiences can be created for visitors.

Spanish post in El Centro de Estudios CEAT de Tomelloso explora el Plan de Desarrollo Turístico de Herencia

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