Inheritance promotes entrepreneurship and female leadership in its 4th Business Conference. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Inheritance promotes entrepreneurship and female leadership in its 4th Business Conference.

In front of a packed auditorium of young students and entrepreneurs, Herencia has inaugurated the IV Business Conference, marking the beginning of a day dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation in the local area. On the morning of Friday, November 10, high school students from Herencia and Madridejos had the opportunity to hear and learn from the experiences of prominent local young entrepreneurs such as Darío Lungarán García-Navas and others who have turned their visions into successful businesses.

The event, presided over by Mayor Sergio García Navas and with the presence of David Ballesteros Mora, president of AJE Ciudad Real, served as a valuable space for dialogue and inspiration. The success stories shared by the young entrepreneurs aimed to plant the seed of entrepreneurship in the hearts of the attending students, encouraging them to explore their own ideas and future projects.

The afternoon session of the conference continued with the theme of female leadership and sustainability, with the participation of prominent professionals from the business field. Violeta Zapata, Blanca Muela, Manuel Caracena, and Jorge Alonso offered their valuable perspectives on how companies can and should adapt to more sustainable practices, thus responding to one of the most pressing challenges of our time: climate change.

Live music from Diana Ciliberti contributed to an inspiring atmosphere, complementing the sessions with an artistic and creative touch. Her project ‘The Journey of Wonder Woman’ resonated with the audience, reinforcing the message of empowerment and the importance of female presence in leadership and decision-making spaces.

The conference reflected Herencia’s commitment to gender equality and sustainability, highlighting the need to integrate these dimensions into the region’s business and economic fabric. The involvement of councilors and the presence of relevant figures in the field of entrepreneurship emphasize the municipality’s commitment to a development that is not only economic but also socially and environmentally responsible.

With these IV Business Conference, Herencia positions itself as a benchmark in promoting new ways of doing business, where sustainability and inclusive leadership take center stage. The event not only offered valuable tools and knowledge for future entrepreneurs, but also opened a necessary dialogue about the role of women in the business world and the urgency of adopting sustainable practices in the face of global challenges.

Spanish post in Herencia impulsa el emprendimiento y liderazgo femenino en sus IV Jornadas Empresariales

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