Herencia highlights the importance of family care in educational days. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Herencia highlights the importance of family care in educational days.

In Herencia (Ciudad Real), an important call to solidarity and family care has been made by the regional government. At an event highlighting the importance of foster families, the provincial delegate for Social Welfare, Eulalio Díaz-Cano, praised the work of the 157 families in the province who currently provide a home for children in need.

The initiative was announced during the ‘Emotional Education through Stories’ conference, funded by the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government and European Next Generation funds. Díaz-Cano expressed gratitude towards the Association of Foster Families of Castilla-La Mancha (Asofacam) for their dedication and continued support to foster families, emphasizing their crucial role in promoting this noble cause.

In the province of Ciudad Real, 157 children have found homes in extended families (related by kinship) and unrelated families. Díaz-Cano thanked the municipality of Herencia for their involvement in such a sensitive issue as foster care, and praised the conference as a “complete success” for its quality and for promoting reading and culture.

The delegate highlighted the “impressive pedagogical power” of stories, praising their usefulness in teaching lessons in an enjoyable and understandable way and in fostering critical thinking from an early age. He advocated for the role of culture and libraries, as well as the work of its professionals, in building a more just society.

Díaz-Cano emphasized the importance of recognizing the work of foster families and recalled the regional government’s financial commitment, which this year amounts to 734,667 euros, to support families caring for minors. With these conferences, Herencia becomes a reference point for raising awareness about foster care and the importance of culture and education in shaping an empathetic and caring society.

Spanish post in Herencia destaca la importancia del acogimiento familiar en Jornadas Educativas

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