The Padel League in Herencia ends with an awards ceremony. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

The Padel League in Herencia ends with an awards ceremony.

The Padel League of Herencia has closed its latest edition with the celebration of the finals in various categories, culminating in an awards ceremony that recognized the talent and effort of the players.

The competition, which has generated great enthusiasm and participation in the local sports community, saw its finalists battling for the title in intense matches. The spirit of sportsmanship and the high quality of the game have been a constant throughout the league, highlighting the commitment and skill of all participants.

The awards ceremony was attended by Serafín Tajuelo, Sports Councillor of Herencia, who personally congratulated the winners and participants for their outstanding performance in the league. Alongside him were Fran Gallego, organizer of the tournament, and Jesús Díaz Pavón, president of the DXT Herencia Association.

Spanish post in Finaliza la Liga de Pádel en Herencia con una ceremonia de entrega de trofeos

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