Renewal and fellowship meeting: Young priests from the Diocese gather in Herencia. - Herencia (Ciudad Real) Spain

Renewal and fellowship meeting: Young priests from the Diocese gather in Herencia.

In a fraternal and reflective atmosphere, the youngest priests of the diocese, those with less than ten years of ordination, gathered on May 13 in the town of Herencia. The day of fellowship, which was attended and led by Bishop Don Gerardo Melgar, focused on spiritual deepening and the exchange of experiences among the newest clergy of the diocese.

The session began with a moment of introspection and spiritual analysis through Lectio Divina, focused on the biblical passage of “The vine and the branches.” This exercise of reading and meditation provided a solid foundation for personal and group reflection on the ministry and mission they share within the Church.

Subsequently, the priests had the opportunity to review the previous meetings they have had throughout the year, evaluating their impact and relevance for their pastoral and personal development. This was a key moment to share suggestions and proposals for future meetings, ensuring that the topics discussed continue to be relevant and enriching for their ministry.

The gathering not only served as a platform for spiritual reflection but also as a space to strengthen camaraderie among the youngest priests. The interaction among them helps to create a necessary network of mutual support to face the challenges of their vocation in the modern context.

The event concluded after a time of fellowship during lunch, where bonds were strengthened and personal and pastoral experiences were shared. This type of initiative highlights the importance of continuous formation and community support among the priests, fundamental aspects for a life dedicated to ecclesiastical service.

From the diocese, and under the guidance of Don Gerardo Melgar, the commitment to continue providing these spaces for gathering and formation is reiterated, recognizing the vital contribution of young priests to the dynamism and renewal of ecclesial life.

Source: Diocese of Ciudad Real
An article published in the online newspaper: Herencia (Ciudad Real). Newspaper of information in the heart of La Mancha.

Spanish post in Encuentro de renovación y convivencia: Los sacerdotes jóvenes de la Diócesis se reúnen en Herencia

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